Thursday, June 18, 2009

MacConkey Agar

·Purpose: MacConkey Agar is used to isolate and differentiate members of the Enterobacteriaceae based on the ability to ferment lactose.

·MacConkey Agar is both selective and differential

i. Selective:
Ø Contains bile salts and crystal violet
Ø Inhibits growth of gram-positive bacteria
Ø Isolates gram-negative bacteria

ii. Differential:
Ø Contains lactose and neutral red
Ø Lactose fermenters produce acid, causing the colonies to turn red
Ø Non-lactose fermenters do not produce acid. Thus, colonies either remain their normal colour or the colour of the medium

·Examples of selective and differential MacConkey agar:

i. Selective:

Gram-positive bacteria- red colonies
Gram-negative bacteria- colourless colonies

ii. Differential:

Lactose fermenters turn the colonies pink.
Colonies of the non-lactose fermenters are colourless.